Thursday, June 30, 2016

Book Review - Wrong Means Right End by Varsha Dixit

Wrong Means Right End is the second in a series of romance tales penned by Varsha Dixit. The first in the series Right Foot Wrong Shoe is Nandini and Aditya’s story of finding. losing and finding love. Wrong Means Right End is the third book of Ms Dixit that I’ve read and the writer has taken us through the love lives of another couple Sneha and Nikhil. Sneha who was introduced in the first book Right Foot Wrong Shoe, is a friend of Nandini’s and is now a single mom who lives in Mumbai with her little son , Advey. A working woman raising a young son however is the constant victim of sugary indulgence of her best friend Nandini who is trying to fix her up with eligible men. Nandini means no harm and wants Sneha to have someone to love and hold her.  And then there is Amla who takes care of Advey and one of the most interesting characters in the book.
  In Midsummer Night’s Dream the bard had said , “The course of true love never did run smooth” and how true this proves for the characters of WMRE.  Sneha’s otherwise routine and peaceful life is no longer the same when she bumps into Nikhil, someone she has known from her teenage days. And the history they share is rather unpleasant. Don’t we all love these love stories? But for Sneha and Nikhil the ride is bumpy. There is Aditya’s ex-fiancé Gayatri who still wants him. Blame the author for this. She has sketched the two men Nikhil and Aditya , erm too passionately.
  Soon things are about to fall apart. Gayatri’s presence is a threat to Nandini and Aditya’s marriage, Sneha and Nandini’s friendship is in the line of fire and only Nikhil can help her out of this.
  The rest of it is sweet and salty, mushy and fresh all at the same time. The reader would need the book cover to cover to find out what happens between those sheets. Varsha Dixit use of Bollywoodish charms is interesting and gives you the perfect chance to take a break from the mundane lives. Makes for a perfect weekend read or even the long commute read where you just want to create a fantasy world for yourself.

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