Thank you for conversing with me Roy.
1. Tell us something about your journey?

2. How did you develop your love for music? How does it feel to play people’s favourite music and making them smile?
Just the way the "90s kids" developed their passion for music - from Chitrahar on Doordarshan to Mirch Masala on DD2 and Superhit Muqabla, songs played in pandals during Durga Puja and other musical shows in localities and of course cassette players at home...I am sure that I cannot bring a smile on every llistener's face, because it's impossible to please every pair of ears.So, I go by the popular songs - literally "playing" safe, and also add a certain percentage of not so common but some soulful songs on the my music menu.
3. What are the challenges that you faced when you wanted to take up RJing? did you hear anything weird?
The biggest challenge or a warning, if I am to put it like this, was the speed of my utterings. Usain Bolt could become a champ only after I slowed down over the years.And, then I was told that my voice was bit "heavy" for my age then, when I joined radio in 2006.Today, that is my prime identity.
4. How was your first audition?
Started off well, but the end was unlike the famous proverb. That was for Radio Mirchi in 2003, just before they were about to launch in Kolkata.I was one of the prime 25 in the final round. But, failed badly, only to join Mirchi in 2006, but not as an RJ.RJing happened with Radio One from 2008.
5. You do a morning show now. Are you a morning person or is it a struggle to make it to the studio?
I am very very much a morning person, as very very much Amjad Khan is the Gabbar.No villain was insulted in the making of this statement.No struggle ever was undertaken to make it to the studio, because the B.Com years in Xavier's demanded a wake-up alarm set at 4.30am.Now, it rings at 5.30 every morning.No dream ever was killed for the run to the studio.
6. Radio and its association with the people of India runs very deep. Do you think the it is a very underutilized platform today?
Many of the RJs in India cite the first ever Independence Day speech by Jawaharlal Nehru, which was broadcasted live on radio.The birth of our independent nation has a deep connection with radio.And, we bengalis can cite another example, that of Mahalaya and the voice of Birendra Krishna Bhadra - another association with the bengalis since almost independence.
But this association has "heard" a setback with the advent of internet and other visual modes of infotainment.Radio being a very personal and live medium, can be used to convey important messages across the nation, without using it's power for political agendas.
7. Tell us about Shabdabaaji. How did you conceive the idea?
The basic idea came during my college days, when I became a huge fan of english word games.And, I wondered while playing those games - are there bengali versions of all of them? Not many, I found out soon.And then I started developing the vernacular versions of those word games.In about 3-4 years, I developed and created some 15-20 games, and named the collection "Shabdabaaji : Bengali Word Games". I started doing a show on radio on Shabdabaaji from 2010, launched a website in 2012, launched a mobile game in 2013 and a book on some of the word games was published in 2014.And today, we visit schools-colleges-book fairs-locality events to conduct Shabdabaaji game shows and spread the love for our mother tongue
8. How does it feel to connect with people through Shabdabaaji? I am sure there are many who have no idea about Bangla words and spellings. How do you react?
Any language can be learnt by practise.Shabdabaaji throws a challenge at every bengali to identify common bengali words.The smile on their faces, when they actually can identify, or, the dejection when they make a silly mistake - connects them to our purpse.
Many bangalis lack the basic sence of spelling in bangla.But we never show our frustration. Rather we teach them the rules and principles of word-making and encourage them to use more bangla words, read and speak more and more in bangla.
9.You are also passionate about acting. Tell us something about that.
That passion is like the lost Black Money from the Indian economy.Like some of the money has been found, I too have found myself in two movies so far.Like our PM's dream of conquering all the Black Money, I too dream of a kingdom of my own. And like some people who are not listening to our PM's appeal, some people do not pay attention to my call as well. So, my passion is still looking for it's Airbus A320 to take a flight...
10. Message for youngsters that want to joining radio.
Be a Jack(or Jill) of all trades ( In the age of cost-cutting and T20 cricket, every station prefers all-rounders), but for sure, be a master of pun, GK, current affairs, voice modulation, social media, selfies, tags, status updates etc. (the last four are not mandatory though, going by the way radio rocks in 2016 and beyond, maybe...)
Rapid fire –
How do you handle female fan following? Do you get letters, friend requests from crazy fans?
A.) female fans are like the 3-4 degrees sudden fall in temperature in winter, which makes you feel - yes, you do exist! Crazy fans are like a sudden fall of 10-12 degrees which makes you feel, oh heck, you are rare and it's good once in a winter ;)
One crazy thing you did while drunk.
A)I never got drunk beyond a limit to let my mind create a personal version of the movie Hangover. Nope, yet to be that crazy....
One interview you did and absolutely hated it
A) Luckily, none so far!
One time you were star struck or had an instant crush while interviewing someone.
A)The interview of Priyanka Chopra over the phone for the movie What's Your Rashee. I had few whacky questions on the menu, to answer which, one must be witty.She was super witty.And, one of her answers made me fumble on the next one.She laughed out loud on that fumble - like it was her winning moment! But, she praised my questions. And, that was my moment of glory! (blushing) ooh yesss, Piggy Chops chopped my heartbeats into pieces and pieces and pieces...
The worst kiss ever
A) Worst would be the first ever kiss, that happened in college.Since practise makes a man perfect (and women too), none everafter has been worse, except for all the Muaaahs I got over phonecalls and from a distance.After all, kiss ne kaha hai ke kiss dur se diya jata hai?
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